Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is Douglas.....He's a regular three-legged wonder. I don't let him go outside but the light was better for pictures so I made an exception for a few minutes. I think he's about two years old now and was born without his right back leg (we think it was strangulated by the umbilical cord). A few months ago his stump started to bother him. He would extend and retract it and the pain would make him scream and flip himself over. I felt really bad for him and decided the best thing for him would be to amputate the rest of his stump.
The surgery went well, he gets around every bit as well as the other cats. Right after his surgery I stupidly brought him home and let him out of the cat carrier into the bathroom. He lurched out of the carrier like something possessed and tried to kill me. Anesthesia recovery is scary! I'm glad he got over that. Doug is more of a cat's cat than a people cat - his best friends are Gigi and Teensy, probably because they baby him, wash him, and keep him entertained.

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