Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is Gigi. I think she's about two years old. I found her after a movie wandering around in the parking lot trying to shake hands with the cars. She was most likely dumped there. Shortly after I brought her home she went into heat and tried to talk my cats into messing around, needless to say my cats are all neutered so they couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with her. I think that's what started the rivalry between her and Otis - she was trying to be attractive and he just wanted to kick her ass.
We got her spayed and she decided that Doug was her best friend. She has a unique tail, it's short and zig-zagged. Her fur is like satin, honestly one of the softest cats I've ever met. I don't let her outside because I don't want her to get hit by a car or get abused by someone that doesn't like black cats. Kohl loves her and hauls her all over the place (she tolerates him).

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