Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A few cats I know...

These are a couple of Shane and Steph's cats. I know he has others but they eluded me and my camera.

The pretty green-eyed tuxedo cat is Peeps - Shane rescued her from a bog where he found her swimming.

Mo (or Moses) is the guy in the grass. He acts senile. Nobody knows his actual age - but he has very bad halitosis.

And the cat with the horrible red-eye is Bear - he's about a year old. He's got a bit of flame-tip Siamese in him and a great personality to boot. Shane's got another flame-tip Siamese (Homer, not pictured) that insists on taking a crap on the tile next to the litter box -he'll even take time from his outdoor exploring to come in and poop on the floor. That's thoughtful of him.

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