Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

We (Dave and I) released a goose and three cliff swallows at the refuge and went for a drive around the 12 mile loop. We saw all kinds of fantastic birds.... I'm a total bird nerd. Top picture is a family of Eastern Kingbirds near the bank of the Bear River--I've never seen one of them before so I was pretty excited to see them.
Second is a Garter Snake crossing the river - they look really cool when they swim.
Third is a gorgeous little Cliff Swallow - there were colonies of them at all the bridges - seriously hundreds of them were lining the railings.
Fourth is a Sandhill Crane - there were a couple of them but they were just far enough apart from each other to make the photo look clutzy so I cropped it.
Fifth and lastly is a Great Blue Heron being chased off by a little American Avocet. The Heron probably didn't even notice the Avocet's nest, but the Avocets weren't going to take chances.

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