Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Mini-Gallery continues...

Even more artwork....
 Bone-eater, watercolor/acrylic/colored pencil, 6 x 10"

Einstein, Acrylic and colored pencil, 12 x 17

Black-Billed Magpie, Acrylic on artboard, 24" x 12"

 Peregrine Falcon, acrylic on board, 36" x 36"

 Red-tailed Boa, colored pencil, 17" x 11"

 Crocodile with a toothpicker bird, acrylic on pine, 48" x 24"

King Vulture, acrylic and colored pencil, 14" x 17"

Running dog, acrylic on pine, 36" x 12"

All the sizes are really approximate....  Maybe I'll measure them, but if I know me (and I do) then I won't.

A mini gallery of my work.....

Well, it's not all inclusive but it's what I've taken photos of....
 Blue-Footed Boobies, Acrylic on board, 36" x 36"

 Cheshire Cat, acrylic on masonite, approx. 3' x 2'

 Great Dane, Watercolor/soft pastel/charcoal, Size....undetermined

 Western Screech Owl, scratchboard/watercolor, 4" x 6"

Hornbills, watercolor/charcoal, 22 x 32"

Robin's Nest, watercolor, 11 x 17"

Rabbit, acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14"

Most sizes are approximate because I don't want to go look for all these and measure them. :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Now for more artwork.....

I've been juggling school and work---and lots of adorable pets to keep me sane :) These are some of my final assignment paintings for my figure drawing class last semester.  Alice in Wonderland themed!
Wherein Alice falls into a deep slumber, watercolor, 32" x 22"

Contemplating Hatter's riddle, watercolor, 32" x 22"